I have come to the conclusion that transitions are uncomfortable and challenging, but it is during these times of uncomfortableness (yes, I am aware that “uncomfortableness” is not a word) that I am able to learn the most about myself. This transition has been particularly challenging since I had phenomenal roommates and friends in Rexburg. One of the hardest parts about moving to Hawai’i was not having my roommate Jess, who was the best roommate I could ever have asked for. Anyone who knew us would agree that we were quite a pair. Our personalities were complete opposites yet we had many similar interests and communication styles that just seemed to work.
This transition to Hawai’i has left my emotions in disarray and chaos, but nothing a little running and sitting by the ocean cannot fix.
This transition to Hawai’i has left my emotions in disarray and chaos, but nothing a little running and sitting by the ocean cannot fix.
My dearest Jess and I hiking R mountain |
Here are the top 5 things I miss
1. My friends: I could not have asked for a better year! Between China, roommates, Family Home Evening brothers, and friends in the ward, I felt an abundance of love from everyone that the Lord guided into my life.
2. Roommate bonding: I miss dearest Annie asking us “so what was your favorite part of the day” every night. I miss staying up way to late on weeknights, and laughing until we were crying. I miss Cassidy’s random facts of the day. I miss our sing along’s and dance parties and most of all I miss spending time with Sami, Annie, Jess and Cassidy!
3. Running routes: I know this sounds weird, but there were 3 or 4 routes that Jess and I had that I absolutely loved. I have NEVER found any other routes that I love as much as those.
4. The lack of humidity: This may sound vain but I miss being able to do my hair without it looking like I stuck it in a light socket. I miss being able to straighten my hair and have it stay that way.
5. My therapeutic recreation girls: I spent more time with those girls than I did with my roommates sometimes! With only 7 of us in the class we sure got to know each other really well and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Now to balance those out here are the top 5 things I LOVE about Hawai’i
1. The ocean: I love going to bed to the sound of waves hitting the shore and waking up to the sunrise over the ocean. I pretty much just love the ocean (unless I am in it because then I get sea sick… not fun)
This is the view from my backyard |
2. The smell: Unlike China it smells amazing here, probably because there is a plumeria tree on every corner. There is something so refreshing about the air here, it makes me want to spend every minute outside!
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Okay, so try not to judge my photo taking capabilities, I'm not a professional. This is a plumeria from the front yard |
3. Riding the bus: Ever since Changzhou, I have loved riding the bus. I do not know why but there is something so relaxing about sitting on the bus and tuning out the rest of the world. I especially like it when there is a long walk to the bus stop and I focus that time on meditating.
4. My curly hair: Because of the humidity my hair can get much curlier than it ever would in Idaho… that is if I defuse it. If I don’t it’s just a disaster!
5. Lastly I love the fact that I am 100% sure that this is where I am supposed to be in my life which helps comfort me in my moments of despair. It helps me realize that there is so much I can learn from those around me and about myself.
I love you and am so happy you have peace in knowing you are fulfilling our Heavenly Father's will for your life at this time!