1. Not fail my classes this semester (both winter and spring semester) Completed July 23, 2010
2. Finish all my general education classes to get my associates: Completed July 23, 2010
3. Get my bachelors degree: Will be completed November 12, 2010
4. Find an internship: Completed April 23, 2010
5. Complete all 10 items on my "Hawai'i to do list
Here are a few from my bucket list.
1. Graduate from college with my bachelor's degree: Will complete November 12, 2010
2. Go on Spring Summit: Completed May 2009
3. Live in Hawai'i: Completed August 11, 2010
4. Become a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist: Will complete November 12, 2010
11. Get out of debt
12. Run a half marathon
15. Learn to speak another language
As you can see I still have a lot to accomplish, but I am slowly starting to cross things off of my list. Hopefully I will be able to cross off a lot more as time goes on and I have more wonderful experiences.
i know a way you can learn to speak another language...it starts with filling out some papers :) love you and miss you tiff!