Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bucket List

As I was reading through my old blog I realized that I had set some goals that I finally achieved!! As several people once told me, "Tiffanee, you know what you want and you get it." While that may or may not be true here are some things that I have completed and some things that I hope to complete here in Hawai'i.

1. Not fail my classes this semester (both winter and spring semester) Completed July 23, 2010
2. Finish all my general education classes to get my associates: Completed July 23, 2010
3. Get my bachelors degree: Will be completed November 12, 2010 
4. Find an internship: Completed April 23, 2010
5. Complete all 10 items on my "Hawai'i to do list

Here are a few from my bucket list.
1. Graduate from college with my bachelor's degree: Will complete November 12, 2010
2. Go on Spring Summit: Completed May 2009
3. Live in Hawai'i: Completed August 11, 2010
4. Become a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist: Will complete November 12, 2010
11. Get out of debt
12. Run a half marathon
15. Learn to speak another language

As you can see I still have a lot to accomplish, but I am slowly starting to cross things off of my list. Hopefully I will be able to cross off a lot more as time goes on and I have more wonderful experiences.

1 comment:

  1. i know a way you can learn to speak another starts with filling out some papers :) love you and miss you tiff!
