It's days like today that make me miss China...
I miss hearing "hello teacha" a million bajillion times
I miss waking up to the sun and enjoying a leisurely morning
I miss squatting
I miss the adventure of it all
I miss serving the girls
I miss the nude pajamas
I miss the laughter
I miss the inservice meetings
I miss teaching
I miss the orange man
I miss the cheap food, especially the fruit
I miss going down town
I miss having movie night at Abby and Brooke's
I miss bundling up because it is so cold outside
I miss the street vendors
I miss getting locked out of my room
I miss feeling confident in my skills and abilities
I miss being stared at and pointed at by strangers
I miss sleepovers at Sunday and Heidi's because I locked myself out of my room
I miss being secluded from the world
I miss trying to communicate in another language
I miss playing the fun facts game
I miss the hugs
I miss the darling kids personalities
I miss sitting in on the teachers and seeing how amazing they are
I miss the train rides to church
I miss the walk to the market
I miss our holiday parties
I miss getting pushed/pushing to get on the bus
I miss the e-mails that would make me laugh
I miss the boys in Nanjing
I miss doing my laundry and getting water all over the floor
I miss the smellsI miss eating oatmeal with chopsticks every morning
I miss those girls like crazy
I miss President and Sister Yu
I miss playing "pick their type" with my darling Jessica
I miss the dumplings and fried rice
I miss sharing a twin bed with 5 other people
I miss laughing because of a pair of black panties
I miss the relationship I had with my Heavenly Father
I miss the holidays in China
I miss the growth that came from that experience
You guessed it, my nude pajamas curtosey of King. This is when I had the swine flu/bronchitis... I was so miserable. |
Thanksgiving in Nanjing! |
Oh Merril how I miss you! |
KTVing at the Christmas Party |
Waiting for the train for the last time! |
Our last Sunday together after church |
Making dumplings with Andy |
What a character! |
Saying goodbye! I think I'm more sad now than I was then. |
Oh Elvis, you couldn't speak any English but you sure were cute. |
Our classroom hearts |
My bed... I miss you! |
My squatter |
Me and Brookie on the Great Wall of China |
Our first family photo |
Halloween Party! |
The group at Tiananmen's Square |
Church in Beijing |
Thanksgiving Dinner at the street vendors |
Our Last family photo with the guards protecting us against the swine flu |
yeah for 26 hour train rides! |
Doing laundry |
Eating oatmeal with chopsticks |
It's crazy to think about what I was doing a year ago today... A year ago today I was laying in bed with the swine flu feeling like I was going to die, even thinking about those memories makes me writhe in pain. I couldn't get out of bed to answer the door or go to the bathroom, even rolling over made me want to die. I would be nauseous all day and all night and would wake myself up multiple times coughing. It took all the energy I had in my to crawl next door to ask Abby to by me some pop, I eventually just started leaving my key in my door so I wouldn't have to get up and answer the door. All I could eat was apples and drink sprite, I literally laid in bed for 72 hours and couldn't move a muscle. I had a fever that was easily over 100 degrees, and I was so delusional, I would talk to myself for hours and hours during the night because in my mind if I talked to myself I wouldn't be able to cough. I still can't believe how sick I was and I still didn't go to the doctor (all though I'm sure it doesn't surprise my roommates), and yet at this moment right now I would give anything in the world to be there rather be there than here.