Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Road Less Traveled

A year ago this month I was graduating from college,
A year ago this month I always had somebody to eat Sunday dinner with,
A year ago this month I was making silly music videos to Hercules songs (go here),
A year ago this month my time was filled with  bon fires, game nights, hiking, boating, canyoneering,  white water rafting, roommate bonding, movie nights, and occasionally some homework,
A year ago this month I lived with 5 amazing girls who I knew would do anything for me,
A year ago this month I was running 5 days a week,
A year ago this month I knew I had at least 10 people I could go to if I ever needed help,
A year ago this month I lived in one of the most beautiful places on earth,
A year ago this month I was ready to move on and live my life,
This month I would give anything to be where I was a year ago.

Cleveland has not been an easy move. As a dear friend told me this week, "Everything always poops on you all at once..." She is in fact right after all in the past 4 months 2 weeks and 5 days I have....
~had my car with 99% of my belongings stolen the day before I moved across the country
~ moved across the country anyways and started a new job
~received word that my car was found with "all my belongings"
~found out that not all of my belongings were in my car
~had to wait (and continue to wait) to get my belongings back
~had my computer crash resulting in losing a good chunk of my pictures, documents, and music
~continued to have a ridiculously hard time making new friends  
~had migraines almost every day for the first 3 months I lived here
~had a very painful and unpleasant wisdom teeth extraction
and finally
~an infection in my L cornea

Lucky for me I have a knowledge of the gospel and the Savior's atonement which makes all of these disappointments and trials bearable. As I have journeyed through life I have taken many different paths, most of which I have wanted to take and some of which the Lord has given me the opportunity to take (such as Cleveland). There is always something to learn from each experience, I need to find out what he wants me to learn here.

1 comment:

  1. tiffffffff, i love you!!! i tell yah, one of these days you just need to put in your mission papers and get out of cleveland ;)
